So I've been working long days. Trying to expand the Photography business (we have our first remote Photographer, in Hawaii even!), trying to bring back Bubba's Bears, Texas style. (go big or go home! That was Alex's motto).
It's such rewarding work! I have a few heart moms who are willing already to bring bears to their local hospitals and so many friends who have once again jumped on the bandwagon without hesitation to help our cause. Including one wonderful lady who has offered to re-create Bubba's Bears in Canada! Canada has always been an issue for us due to the cost of shipping bears across the border, problem solved now!
I never cease to be amazed at the generosity of people. It seems that people in this world really DO want to help others, they just don't know where to start.
This is so healing for me and I love it even though it's an amazing mountain of work. Balancing the bears/RAOK as well as the Photography business is a juggling act, but I know that as the Photography business grows it will allow us so much more funding for the other stuff! We are a big wierd, most business owners think of fancy cars and financial comfort, us? We think of all of the money we can give away! lol
We never were normal I guess!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Posted by
Just a smalltown girl
11:36 AM
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
My focus for today...
Risk more than others think is safe. Care more than others think is wise. Dream more than others think is practical. Expect more than others think is possible.
Posted by
Just a smalltown girl
12:56 PM
Monday, December 27, 2010
May all your holidays be...... hey, stop calling your sister a dummy!
The kids.... er... their MOM is so ready to go back to school! Even though that means I have to go back to work too. They are in full on fight like ya hate each other mode and it doesn't help that it's been really cold so they just want to stay in the house and commence the fighting. Oh well, no complaints. At least they are healthy enough to fight, eh? Look for the bright side Kat, look for the bright side!
Since I'm only working part-time at the daycare I registered to be a "listed" daycare provider here in Texas. Here you can't do any childcare out of your home without being either listed, registered, or licensed. Each with their own requirements, so I made sure I got that done.
Working full steam ahead on the Photography expansion. So far we have quite a few probable photographers! I'm pretty excited about the opportunity grow this and expand our random acts of kindness (you might remember we put most of our income from this into that in Alex's memory).
In January we are focusing on providing warmth for the homeless here in the Austin area. It's kind of a shock the first time you drive around Austin, in comparison with Northern wisconsin, there are so many homeless. Stop at any light near an overpass and you will see them with their signs. It's been very cold here and so we are going to try to provide as many as we can with warm socks, blankets, coats, hats, and mittens. In the summer since it gets so hot we will be striving to distribute bottles of water.
The Austin area has some great resources for the homeless, which is wonderful. But anything we can do helps!
Anyway. World war 3 has broken out in the living room again (by now i'm sure it should be world war 187992342) so I'm going to figure out something that will entertain them for a while!
Posted by
Just a smalltown girl
1:10 PM
Monday, December 20, 2010
Photography and ROAK- Texas edition!
So I mentioned yesterday that we had brought our Photography business to Texas. We have also made some changes to it's structure in an effort to expand our mission both in the sense of affordable on-site photography and to support our ongoing Random acts of kindness in memory of Alex campaign.
Please take a minute to see our new and improved site we also have a facebook page that you can get to from the main page of the site and would love for you to join us there!
Posted by
Just a smalltown girl
2:24 PM
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Oh the changes- Hello from Texas!!
I know it's been so long since I've blogged! We have had many big changes going on in our lives that I am very excited to tell you about!
Remember when we were talking about moving to Texas? We finally did it! 3 little ole weeks ago. Craig and I came down here the middle of November and decided hey, let's just do it! 13 days later we were in a moving truck traveling down the interstate on our way to our new life.
I have to say we couldn't have made a better decisions. I have since been able to go completely off my anti-depressants and am weaning off my anti-anxiety medications. My photography business has taken on a new life here, including branching out to teach our craft to aspiring photographers around the United states! We are very excited about that.
I also took a part time job at a crunchy, earthy, farm preschool in the infant room. The people I work with are people that I could have never found in NW Wisconsin they walk similar paths to mine and follow the same basic principals when it comes to children and earth and life. Nate gets to go to farm school free while I work starting the first of the year, he's SO excited about that!
All in all I have finally found the home I've been searching for, for so long. I feel so content in Central Texas, a serenity I never had in Wisconsin and I look forward to making a great life here.
Sadly Austin decided to stay in Wisconsin and live with my mother. We miss him terribly but at 17 years old respect his wishes. He promises to visit over the summer!
Posted by
Just a smalltown girl
5:09 PM