It's almost Thanksgiving! Which means it's almost CHRISTMAS! Where did fall go? Was there one? I think I missed it.
Guess who is full fledged-into everything- keeping mommy on her toes CRAWLING? Omgoodness it's been a while since I've had a crawler in the house. It's soooo neat though to see him just gloat that he can get around. He totally skipped scooting and had us worried because he didn't even roll back to belly up until about 8 months! He's already pulling up and cruising on furniture too..... smartie.
Today we went to my brothers house to take his family photos and pics of the boys for the holidays. It's always an exhausting trip simply because it means 3 hours on the road round trip. The kids generally start fighting around mile 10. It's really amazing how claustrophobic a Suburban can feel when half its occupants are trying to kill each other.
Although my brother and sil might kill me. I've been resisting the urge to share some pics of their baby I took a couple weeks ago. I can't resist anymore... So I'll leave you with a couple pics of my gorgeous nephew Brayden.

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