So I'm sure you've all heard at least something on this story. A single mom has 6 kids and just gave birth to Octuplets. Now the poor woman is being attacked from every angle it seems on her choice to have so many children. Her own mother threw her under the bus in an interview recently claiming she has an "obsession" with having a large family.
What is this country becoming when other people think they have the right to decide how many children someone should have? I tell you what, IVF isn't cheap. If this woman could afford to conceive all... counting on my fingers... 14 children using IVF then she obviousely isn't some destitute single mother begging for cash on a street corner. So why is it our business?
And don't give me all the diarreah of the mouth about overpopulation and resources. There are plenty of resources and plenty of space in this world. The population is actually on the DECLINE at the moment, what with all the baby boomers knocking off of old age.
Let the woman be. Let her marvel in the beauty of her new babies. And say a big fat AMEN that this woman made the choice to let those babies LIVE rather than "reducing" them.
It all comes back to the people who can't possibly understand how absolutely amazingly rewarding it is to have a big family. Who can't take time out of their busy day to laugh when a houseful of boys have dozens of nerf darts flying over your head as you try to make dinner. Who get stressed beyond limits with one or two children. Just because you don't undersand it, or don't have the confidence or desire to DO it, that doesn't mean you should think you have the right to limit someone else's happiness.
Get over it.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Posted by
Just a smalltown girl
11:41 AM
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I certainly don't know the entire story, but I do know that she receives food stamps, and is asking the state of California to foot the bill for the hospital care for all eight babies. So, yes, it would be fine with me, too, if she was supporting them fully. The fact that she is asking other taxpayers to support them frustrates me. But let's not take that out on the babies!!!
I have to say I agree with your post partially. It is none of our business how many children this mother wants. IVF is very expensive and after seeing a few articles on this mother of now 14 I am wondering how in the world she afforded it. She was already on state assistance, a few of her children received SSI benefits, and she's on state medical benefits (Medi-Cal), as also her now 14 children. It appears that she is not carrying the burden of raising these children the state of California and their taxpayers are. You and I both know what it's like to bring multiple children into this world, it's an absolute joy that just can't be described...however, we provide support for them, not the state. I think when the burden of support for so many children falls on the state, any state, then people do have a right to bitch and complain...they are the ones essentially having to support these 14 children that this mother couldn't afford to begin with. And when the state of California, as with many other states right now, is running in the red it's crucial that people who are already living off of that state sit back and think of the consequences of putting more burden on those tax payers...I think it's a little selfish on her part. I'd love to have more children (although the good Lord told us 4 was enough), but I'm also responsible enough to NOT have children I can't afford.
Here's that post! How'd I miss it? I completely agree with you on this post, in different circumstances than her current ones....I feel like she only had these babies to make profit and THAT is my biggest issue with this whole story...
The poor babies...
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