There's a post this morning already, so be sure to read it. Or not.
I figured since I am changing this blog a bit and concentrating more on my family, my children in particular...... that I should tell you a bit about them. They are all so very different and each have their endearing (or not) quirks about them. I can't imagine my life without any of them.
So, oldest to youngest. We'll be starting with

Austin has had the challenge of being born to parents who were ready to be anything but. I was 16 years old, his father 18 and we decided that we could be careless. Usually nothing good comes of that but this time something did.
Austin was born promptly on his due date. I started labor at 3:00am (oddly, my mother had a funny feeling that night at her 3rd shift job and came home at 3am) and he was born at 6:31 that evening. The most adorable thing, at 6 lbs 7 oz and 18 inches long. He came into this world screaming and that's pretty much what he did for the rest of his first day here on earth.
Austin and I spent an entire week bonding in the hospital due to me getting septic. We came home on Christmas eve and there life began.
Austin has always been the goofiest, silliest, most charming child you could meet. He has a smile that could melt the heart of the grinch and even as a toddler would often score us free meals or extras flashing that grin to waitresses. Although his father and I parted ways before he was born, he has been fortunate to always have a relationship with him, albeit sometimes a rocky one.
We knew Austin was going to give us a run for our money even as a toddler. He had a fascination with electricity. One time, when he was about 3 he cut the cord on my tv, causing a large POP and smoke to fill the room. He walked around for weeks saying "I blew up!". A few months later, he torched a truck in my moms microwave, starting her kitchen on fire. We quickly learned that electricity and Austin went together as well as electricity and water.
Austin has always been a bit of a challenge. His spunk and determination have given us much pride, and much stress. I remember when he was just a little french fry, he threw his shoes out the car window for no reason other than to do it. Then there was the time he lit a campfire on his bed.... There has rarely been a dull moment with Austin around.
To this day he can flash that smile and melt the heart of anyone around him. He has gotten himself out of much trouble with teachers, and everyone else with that grin. He struggles a bit in school because he's often distracted, yet he has a very creative mind and is an awesome sketch artist. He enjoys cooking and wants to pursue culinary school when he's older, which gives Craig much pride. He spends every other weekend and half the summer at his dads house, up by Lake Superior. He is now 14 years old and doing typical teenage things, video games, skateboarding, movies. He is a very intelligent person and loves to learn when the subject interests him.
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