Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Rest in Peace Uncle Steve

He was finally able to pass on yesterday around dinner time. He died as his children went outside for a break. Sounds like he didn't want to die in front of his kids......

I think it's such a blessing that he was able to spend his final hours with his family and died with my mom and my Aunt Mary holding his hands and stroking his hair. If I could choose how I go, it would be like that....

Thanks for the wishes and prayers everyone. It's been a rough few days.


PBandJ said...

I have been praying for your family; I am glad to hear that he finally went, and relatively peacefully. I understand this situation so well and it hurts to think about it, but everything is going to be OK, now.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that your family had to go through all of this. I'll be praying for all of you/them.